Fear: Why I Never Get Things Done

By Teaching Pastor & CEO
L. Renee Richardson, MBA

I ran into a businesswoman at an event. As we began to catch up on life, she made this observation: I have a lot of great ideas, but I can never get them done.

As I pondered her statement, I realized that we all can relate to her plight. We all have lots of great ideas, dreams, visions and goals. By the end of the year however, they remain figments of our imaginations. Why is that? I believe she seriously wanted an answer. According to success experts, over half of us will start with New Year’s resolutions. By the spring less than 10 percent of us will still be working on these goals.

I believe the root cause of our immobility is fear. Most of us have identified fear when it comes to being afraid or terrified of something. I believe fear manifests itself in more subtle forms and keeps us from doing what we desire.
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I asked her what she wanted to do. She recited her list of the three things in life that she has meditated on for years. She knew what to do but was not taking the action steps to bring them to life. She was smart, intelligent, and savvy. She was extremely creative and could build a beautiful business.

I remember when I launched Miracle Mondays, our online coaching platform for women who desire to go to the next level in their homes, businesses, careers and ministries. We met each Monday for thirty minutes.
Guess what? This dream was on the table for over a year before it became a reality. What took so long? I believe at the subconscious level; I was afraid to move forward. It was the first time I was launching this type of program. Once it got started, the response has been amazing. Now we meet in the mornings Monday-Friday 7am-7:15 am eastern for the Power Up Your FAITH Morning Show featuring Women’s Bible Studies and Complimentary Coaching. It is played on Facebook on our Women of Vision and Destiny Ministries, Inc. page.

Fear can deceive us and make us think we do not have the time or knowledge to do something. It’s just that…deception. Fear does not come from God. Fear is a spirit. It comes in and immobilizes our ability to make simple steps and ends up “talking us out of” our dreams. When we experience a failure or setback, we learn to hide our gifts and talents. When our ice cream store closed, I went through my own dark season. Fear tries to whisper in our ears repeatedly. Today we will take control over it!
I told this lady to get a journal and write down her dreams. Just taking that small step will free her to get moving. Once it is on paper, something supernatural happens. It becomes possible. Write out your favorite scriptures, confessions and affirmations each day. Little by little, the spirit of fear will begin to shrink and die. I believe that once we write down our vision, we are halfway to getting our goals completed.

As we take the smaller steps, we become empowered to take bigger steps and before you know it, we are up and moving in the direction of our dominant thoughts of God-success and accomplishment. I encourage you to do it afraid until fear packs her bags and moves down the road to bother somebody else. Keep writing out your dreams and make them bigger and bolder every day. Before long, the year will be over, and you will have accomplished so much more than you can imagine. Go Bold in 2020! Email me your success stories at [email protected].

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L. Renee Richardson

L. Renee Richardson

Called to preach, teach and lead at the age of 10, L. Renee has served in ministry leadership for 42 years and as a top business leader for 35 years. She is the founder and CEO of three global corporations: twenty-year-old Women of Vision and Destiny Ministries Worldwide, Inc. (WOVD), 16-year-old Wealth and Riches Today, Inc. and the new I AM Worth it Foundation to raise $4.0 billion for global women’s and young ladies causes. L. Renee is a highly sought after national and international speaker. She has hosted Christian Women’s Leadership Conferences for 16 years throughout the North America/U.S. Region and has expanded into Asia. She has a B.B.A. from Columbus State University and an MBA from the University of Georgia. L. Renee is an ordained Teaching Pastor by Dr. Ron Cottle. Her book The Widow Oil Tycoon is sold on Amazon. She can be reached at www.wealthandrichestoday.com.
